duminică, 21 octombrie 2012

Paper candle holders


Easy tutorial about how you can recycle a lot of old books read long time ago. Paper is a good material to use for many purposes and these candle holders are a proof of craft skills. Recycling all natural materials, paper mostly,  we preserve nature and keep forests alive and healthy.

Watch for a few minutes how you can bring to life, so to speak, an old book forgot in a drawer for a long time. Any handmade object is a little piece of art, especially when we are the artists.

sâmbătă, 15 septembrie 2012

How to clean antique coins-Roman coin Project

The cleaning of an artifact is an irreversible operation once the corrosion products have been stripped, some precious information and history can be lost forever.
  1. Always leave a small area of the original corrosion products on an artifact.
  2. The methods for cleaning bronze can be:
    - electrochemical
    - electrolytic
    - mechanical
    The less invasive method is mechanical cleaning under microscope observation and the results are amazing!

duminică, 26 august 2012

Make a recycled glass cup from a bottle


Glass recycling is the process of turning waste glass into usable products. Glass waste should be separated by chemical composition, and then, depending on the end use and local processing capabilities, might also have to be separated into different colors. Many recyclers collect different colors of glass separately since glass retains its color after recycling. The most common types used for consumer containers are colorless glass, green glass, and brown/amber glass.
After you watch this short video, I'm sure you will have a different perspective on the recovery and reuse of materials.

miercuri, 18 iulie 2012

How to clean a painting(1)

If you ever decide to clean your paintings you can try this easy way to have a good result. 
For this action you'll need:
1) A soft bristle brush.
2) Unsliced doughty bread.
NOTE: Never use water or solvent to clean paintings! If it's an extremely valuable or an antique, you can use a professional! :-)
After you start, as you can see in this video, imagine, while using the brush, that you're dusting pollen from flower petals :-)
Good luck from now and enjoy the result!

miercuri, 11 iulie 2012

Magia metaloplastiei


Metaloplastia nu se poate învăţa, ci doar "fura." Nu este o meserie care se poate învăţa. Ca să faci un tablou este nevoie de foarte multă răbdare şi dăruire. Nu se pot învăţa etapele prelucrării tablei ca pe o simplă poezie, pe de rost, trebuie să simţi căldura metalului în mîini. Teoretic este simplu dar este nevoie de multă precizie şi pasiune care să vină din interiorul sufletului.

Sînt mai multe etape pînă la finalizarea unei astfel de lucrări. Prima dată se modelează imaginea pe o tablă, apoi se conturează cu un instrument special ascuţit chipul sau peisajul pe care vrem să le redăm. După care se curăţă şi se lustruieşte cu nisip întreaga lucrare. Culorile se obţin prin încălzirea materialului.

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