miercuri, 11 iulie 2012

Magia metaloplastiei


Metaloplastia nu se poate învăţa, ci doar "fura." Nu este o meserie care se poate învăţa. Ca să faci un tablou este nevoie de foarte multă răbdare şi dăruire. Nu se pot învăţa etapele prelucrării tablei ca pe o simplă poezie, pe de rost, trebuie să simţi căldura metalului în mîini. Teoretic este simplu dar este nevoie de multă precizie şi pasiune care să vină din interiorul sufletului.

Sînt mai multe etape pînă la finalizarea unei astfel de lucrări. Prima dată se modelează imaginea pe o tablă, apoi se conturează cu un instrument special ascuţit chipul sau peisajul pe care vrem să le redăm. După care se curăţă şi se lustruieşte cu nisip întreaga lucrare. Culorile se obţin prin încălzirea materialului.

marți, 26 iunie 2012

Porcelain(6) - Limoges porcelain

This type of porcelain avidly sought by collectors today was actually produced by a number of factories in the Limoges region of France from the late 1700s until around 1930. Production did not cease in 1930, however. This arbitrary cutoff date simply denotes a change in the global economy when styles notably changed from very elaborate to more basic in design.



At one point in the 1920s as many as 48 companies were producing wares marked Limoges, according to ceramics expert Mary Frank Gaston in The Collector's Encyclopedia of Limoges. These pieces weren't only marked denoting their origin, however. Many pieces had a number of different marks including factory marks, decorating marks, and some had signatures indicating the individual who decorated each piece.

It's important to understand, however, that the factories operating in the Limoges region produced elaborately molded white wares as their primary output. These undecorated pieces, also known as "blanks," were taken to decorating studios away from the factory like that of Pickard or exported without decoration. The blanks exported to American soil often ended up in the hands of eager china painting students, with this being a popular hobby for ladies during the late 1800s.

marți, 12 iunie 2012

Porcelain(5)- Kahla porcelain


Porcelain factory Kahla is one of Germany's largest porcelain producers.

In 1814, Christian Jacob Eckhard requests Kahla citizenship.

In October 1844 production in Kahla starts and cups, pipes and doll`s heads are created out of porcelain. The porcelain factory, situated near the Leuchtenburg Castle, develops into to a major enterprise. Many people who lived in Kahla and the surrounding villages find jobs there.

Friedrich August Koch, a Prussian businessman, takes over the factory in 1856 after the previous owner runs up bad debts and has to sell up. In 1859, he receives a new concession to start digging again.

Porcelain is created out of three basic materials : quartz sand, feldspar and kaolinite.

vineri, 1 iunie 2012

Tabacheră chihlimbar

Dimitrie Anghel - Agora modernă

... "de fantome prin gura cărora vorbeşte glasul trecutului. Adunaţi la un loc, anii lor fac veacuri, precum amintirile lor condensează o epocă. Țigarete groase de chihlimbar vechi au fiecare, lanţuri grele de aur îi înfăşoară ca pe niște Prometei, inele arhaice cu peceţi și simboluri complicate strălucesc pe degete, tabachere încrustate" ... Parfum de epocă in fragmente uitate de vreme...
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